Sunday, April 30, 2006
there's something about ..... rally
My first stop was SDP's rally at Woodlands Stadium. I thought I would be witnessing something special like Dr Chee Soon Juan making a fiery speech and further making defamation remarks and being arrested on the Stage.
Atlas it was not to be as he came and left.
And I left as well.
The rally wasn't exciting at all. I should have gone to a WP's rally given the Gomez hooha.
On my way back, I decided to drop by PAP's rally at Yio Chu Kang Stadium.
In the papers today, it was reported that PAP has about 1k crowd while SDP has about 3k. The guy at the SDP's rally must have failed quite badly in accounting. I think he has counted the crowd 3 times and add it all up. The crowd at Woodlands is almost the same as the crowd in YCK. And I think it about 1k.
Not that this is important. But if they have a need to report the number present at rallies than I think there is a need to correct them.
Anyway, the rally at YCK is equally or if not, more boring than the SDP.
I felt myself drifting away from the speeches and just looking around at the crowd.
And I saw someone.
I saw PM Lee's elder son. The one from his first marriage.
He was wandering outside the barricade, among the crowd, alone. Not exactly alone, as he has a body guard with him.
The first thought I have is that he leads a lonely life. And just when I was about to sympathise with him... I realised..............
I WAS ALONE TOO!!!! In fact, I'm more "alone" than him. At least he has a body guard to keep him "company".
I decided to leave this sad place.
Interestingly, WP was the one who gave me happiness and PAP is the one who gave me sadness.
Is this a sign?
Thursday, April 27, 2006
there's something about ..... wp
PO Box 15
Toa Payoh Central Post Office
Singapore 913101
Attention: Low Thia Kiang, Secretary General
Dear Sir
I like to thank you for making my dreams come true. I found out 2 things today that send me into full jubilation.
Firstly, I found out that I belong to Ang Mo Kio GRC instead of Yio Chu Kang constituency. Initially, I was sad because it would mean that I will not need to vote as the constituency has our Prime Minister Lee. I was so sure this would be a walkover eventhough there was rumours that WP will contest in this GRC.
Then, I found out that you have sent out a team to contest AMK GRC.
I can't explain my happiness when I found out. The first thought that came to my mind is "Wah.. Got balls!!"
I have never voted in my life and I can't believe that my chance is finally here. Not only that, my vote carries double the importance because our Prime Minister is in this GRC.
Which mean my vote make a difference.
I can't thank you enough for making this happen for me. To show my gratitute, I promise to attend your rallies. That is all I can do for you.
You see, I cannot fathom the thought of Singapore forming a Government (a certainty for sure) on Polling Day without our incumbent Prime Minister. That would have been a dissaster.
I further cannot fathom the thought of a deputy Prime Minister standing in with a name that sounds vaguely vulgar.
I hope to see you coming to AMK GRC to give a speech in Teochew.
Please send my best wishes to your team that is contesting in AMK GRC. I hope you guys can achieve enough votes to be our NMPs and thus not lose your deposits.
Warmest Regards
there's something about ..... constituency
No... I didn't receive my letter with regards to voting yet.
No... I didn't go to branch office to check.
No... I couldn't find any website that could clearly tell me which constituency I belongs to.
No... I didn't ask anyone from anywhere.
I simply look at LAMP POSTS just outside my block!
3 hours after nomination close and all the banners are up. They are even more efficient than Internet.
there's something about ..... nomination day
Noted something amusing.
For those Walkovers GRC and when the election officers announcing the elected MPs for the GRC, those first timers from PAP look extremely Happy. Their body language is that of a child receiving toys for the first time.
I can imagine what goes on in their minds:
PAP MP 1: " HOR SAY LIAO.... I got a full time job for the next 5 years!!!"
PAP MP 2: "HOR SAY LIAO.... no need to go election Rally and speak"
PAP minority MP 3: "HOR SAY LIAO.... can relak abit lah"
PAP MP 4: "HOR SAY LIAO.... minimum effort, maximum returns"
Anyway, I saw the SDA candidates for Pasri Ris-Puggol GRC today in ST.
I think there are just as clueless as me. Do you put a "Tick" or a "Cross" when you vote?
And these people are really heartlanders. They have your heartlanders profile as well. One of them:
Occupation: Administrative Officer
Family: Divorced.
Home: 3-rm flat.
Education: "o" level.
Hobbies: Listening to CLASSICAL MUSIC and watch the ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE.
I think he forgot to mention visiting to Singapore Pools every weekend as well. I think "classical music" could mean those old songs by Teresa Teng.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
there's something about ..... candidates
I have keen interest in Politics. I would follow the US politics closely just to satisfy my cravings for Political Dramas. And not surprising "Spin City" was one of my favourite sitcoms.
However, my interest in Politics goes as far as Political Drama is concern. Issues brought out by political parties are just products used to win the politician votes. So I don't really care so much about issues. I care about strategy, what they say to each other, what they do to outdo each other. Other words... ala "Survivor".
Anyway, it just dawn on me that since I can't be the Prime Minister of Singapore, and that they have yet to invite me for tea... I suppose I have no choice but to become an Opposition candidate for the next election.
Afterall, all you need to do is to join them as a memeber and you will be a candidate. No tea necessary, no psychotic test needed, no checking of hard disk to see if you have sexy pictures of your maid.
You can be as young as 24 years old. Never mind that you just graduated from a
First Class University , and that you do not have a high paying job as yet, and you are still thinking when you are going to have a girlfriend, or which club to go chionging on a Saturday night.
I look back to some of my cousins that is around 24 years old and imagine them being a "politician". I tried to remember what I was doing when I was 24... atlas it was too way back for me to remember.
I realised my cousins at that age have BIG DREAMS. They think they are really smart. They think they can make big money by doing certain things. They think they are so capable that they decided not to work hard and let success drop on them. They have that arrogance that hide the naviety they do not realise.
Of course, they are just my cousins. Not a representation of the younger generation in Singapore. Or so I witness in the televised forum with MM Lee.
I can't wait for the rallies to come.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
there's something about ..... caption

"Nabeh. That's it....I pegging my RMB to 9 yuan to your dollar!!"
"Nabeh. That's it.... you better don't come to China..."
"Body fat index.. 18... not bad..."
"Hey... this is my suit!!!"
"Wow.. I like your muscle... shall we go over to my white house and smoke "Cigar"... "
That guy in the middle " This is so touching.... I knew they have something for each other"
Friday, April 21, 2006
there's something about ..... opposition
I hope to have an opposition coming forward and thus an opportunity for me to vote for the first time.
Thus, this is my list of criteria of any opposition coming forward:
1. No big spectacles. (yes.. I'm shallow. I think my politician should look relevant with times)
2. He should not have other hobbies like photography or formula one racing to distract him from his political works.
3. He must not put on a wig.

4. He should look shaved.

Thursday, April 20, 2006
there's something about ..... m:m:2
Again the 30s age group has been marginalised.
Today ST carries a big chunk of the PAP election watch on how the youngsters were being rude with MM Lee over the televised forum.
In ST, the journalist asked about 30 people on their views on the rudeness by these young panelists.
A 57 years old professor was quoted.
A 82 years old retiree was quoted.
A 59 years old cabby was quoted.
A 53 years old captain was quoted.
A 72 years old principal was quoted.
A 72 years old translator was quoted.
A 59 years old grassroot leader was quoted.
A 26 years old journalist was quoted.
A 27 years old executive was quoted.
A 33 years old socialogist was quoted...... and I believe the only reason why he was picked because he was the only socialogist in Singapore.
And the whole content is about how older Singaporeans were of the view that the young people were disrecpectful towards MM Lee.
HELLLLOOOO...... I not very Old ok. I only in my early 30s... and I TOO feel that these young people were disrespectful.
Anyway, these panellists' defended their "rudeness" (like a drunkard would say they are not drunk):
1. The premise of the show was clearly explained to us beforehand. We were told we could ask any questions we wanted to. MM himself told us not be intimidated by him.
2. Everyone was firing questions because there wasn't enough time, and everyone wanted to have their questions answered.
3. Panellists had interrupted Mr Lee because he had paused while giving his answers, and they thought he had finished.
4. We were cast in this forum to play the Devil's advocate.
Nobody says you cannot ask hard questions to MM Lee. We are saying in the mist of asking hard questions in a short time with so many burning questions from so many panellists, you can still do it in a better manner.
Defence No. 3. It's jolly obvious that Mr Lee did not finish his answers. Surely anyone could tell when an answer is completed. His answers may give rise to few other questions... but you don't ask him all the questions until he has finished. This is also a business protocol. In fact, these present in day to day business dealings, schools, everywhere.
Defence No.4. That is because you guys choose to be the Devil's advocate.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
there's something about ..... MM
And how glad I am to watch the actual footage.
I find the program immensely interesting. It's not too often you have young people (the oldest being 30 and the mildest of the lot) asking political questions directly with MM Lee..... some of them very rudely.
I'm not too old myself... and I wouldn't think I'm that far older than some of them in the show... but when MM Lee talks, you just don't interrupt him.
When my dad talk... I dun interrupt him. When any elderly speaks, you dun interrupt them. When MM Lee speaks, you dun interrupt him.
You let them finish before you ask your questions. Maybe that is confucious, but I feel that is the right way. But not those in the show. I felt some of them is outright disrespectful and rude.
They should be lucky that I'm not any powerful Prime Minister or I will send some of them to Sentosa to be locked up.
One of them, Ken Kwek from Straits Times deserve mention. He started out very aggressively. His first question to MM Lee was sharp, after that he just went downhill.... VERY downhill.
He was so agressive and borders on rudeness that I think it was obvious that MM Lee was unhappy with him and he immediately "crush him like a cockroach" to borrow the phrase from Masters Of The Seas. And I must say, Ken deserves the "dressing down". After that, I think his balls shrink because he stops asking questions.
Other than that incident, the rest of the program is rather monotonous. The questions are not new questions, it's the same old question being asked by younger people with old replies.
Still, it's good to see how MM Lee fields question.
However, I'm rather sad.
PM Lee held a chinese forum with people in the 40s. MM Lee did the same with people in the 20s.
But what about people like us.
We will be the main drivers of our Singapore Economy for the next 20 years. Seriously, do we need to care what these 20s people think about Politics?
Whether they vote for PAP or the opposition during Election Day which mostly would be on a Saturday, they would probably head down to a cinema for a night movie that same day or MOS for partying.
Their daily concerns are boyfriends, girlfriends etc
However, people like us has more worries, more burdens. Maybe Singapore Government know this, which is why they didn't want us to appear on TV because most likely people like us will not have time since we have more worries and more burden.
Monday, April 17, 2006
there's something about ..... manifesto

Sometimes I really dunno what's in these politician's mind.
After all the effort, all the hooha, all the money spent on launching the PAP manifesto......... after introducing all the new candidates .......... after all the walk-about in estates....
Prime Minister Lee actually implied thru graphics on the cover of his Manifesto, NOT TO VOTE FOR PAP?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p/s: pardon my ignorance. I have never voted in my life. The only time I voted in my life is about choosing which chalet to book.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
there's something about ..... burger
Wah... like very delicious hor.
After hearing so much about it... passing by numerous times.
Attempting to find a seat numerous times.
Giving up on attempting numerous times.
I have finally tried CARL'S JR.
I just have to go try seeing how popular it is. I was like a little kid entering a MacDonald.
I felt like a Big SUA KU when I tried ordering. I have heard about the size of the burger and how 1 person cannot finish. So should I order 1 or 2 since most probably my wife will not be able to finish one.
I decided to order 2. Cannot finish TaPao lah. So I order 1 set of Double Bacon Cheese and 1 broiled Chicken sandwich. They give me a number so that they could deliver to me.
So I went back and told my wife that the total bill was about $19. She got a shocked. I go on to calm her that Carl's Jr is famous for Big Burgers of unparrallel proportions and it's juicy platters. This is like Miss Universe 2006. Big.
She told me that she didn't notice anything unusual from other diners. And I told her it's probably because they were finishing their burgers.
And so my orders arrived.
I guess I have raised the expectations too high. My wife looked at me and asked "Is that all?".
I wanted to ask the waiter the same question but he fled even before I could look fierce into his eyes.
You see... the burger is NOT HUGE. It's NOT GIGANTIC. It's NOT HULK. It's NOT KING KONG. It's NOT T-REX.
It's probably about 30% bigger than normal burger. Or about 100% bigger than a Mos Burger. But again... Mos Burger is like Kate Moss of Burgers.
At $9 plus a burger, I felt rip-off where size is concerned.
But I told my wife... it's not about quantity.. it's about quality. You want cheap, you can go masar malam and eat Rambai Burger.
And so I take my first bite.
The taste.....I couldn't believe it. It's Unbelieavable. It's not true. This can't be.
So I took another bite.
I still couldn't believe it.
The burger taste like...................
I took a bite of my wife's burger... and that too taste like Burger King.
What a total rip-off.
I like Burger King and I know how Burger King taste like. And Carl's Jr taste like Burger King!
What irony. You have a chain that calls themselves Burger King but they sell burger that is of standard size and yet another chain that calls themselves Carl's Junior sells burger that is biggest in the industry.
At almost $20, I rather spend another $5 more and eat at Cafe Cartel.
In fact, Macdonald is having a 1+1 Rice Burger Promotion. You have 2 Rice Burger Value Meal, upsize them and they give you 2 more rice burger for free. Plus you can still order another 6 piece nuggets. All about $20.
What a marketing genious. Sell something similar at a bigger size, price them more and people will flock to it.
Maybe I should start a chain called MOSt Burger. I will sell tepanyagi chicken rice burger at a bigger size and sell it at $15 a piece.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
there's something about ..... universe ver.2
Monday, April 10, 2006
there's something about ..... universe
Yes... I have poor taste for TV production. But when you are at your in-laws, watching Miss Universe on TV is Godsend. Watching Miss Universe is like watching Baywatch, you have a Man and a string of bikini clad women in the show. Sometimes these women speak, even when some of them struggle to talk sense.
There was some publicity about this cohort of Miss Universe. Apparently, it's one of the most "brainy" cohort. Yesterday in NEWPAPER, some were featured to be graduates of some university, among them is also a Scientist with A*star etc.
And so I watched.
It was without a doubt that this year's cohort is one of the brainiest. Like what some people would agree, beauty and intelligent do not always go hand-in-hand for MOST people.
Right from the beginning, I have already decided on who my winner would be. It was a toss up between Carol Cheong or Jade Seah. The others... was just to make up the numbers.

When Carol Cheong won the Body BeautiFULL, it was a case of no-competition at all.
IT IS REALLY FULL. Sorry... it shouldn't be singular. THEY ARE REALLY FULL.
I'm no expert in Cup sizes. But That surely looks like a CUP D at least.
With a body like that, you are at least guarantee a Top 3.
Ironically though not surprisingly, on the very year the organiser declared the cohort as the most brainiest, they give the title to the girl with the biggest CUP in Miss Singapre Universe History.
In fact, her winning the title is so obvious that right after they announced the 2nd runner-up, with both Carol and Jade among the final 4, they announced the winner immediately. This is unusual.
Don't get me wrong, Carol Cheong deserve the title.
I personally felt she is very pretty, her body is double the bonus, and I think she has a brain to boot.
You can't blame them for giving politically correct answers in a grand final like this. Everyone wants to win. But she at least could give a politically correct answers properly.
In fact, she will win every single Miss Singapore Universe from 2001 onwards breast hands down. (I can't seems to recall winners before 2001)
Especially 2001.
The 2001 winner is the biggest joke of all time. Without a knockout look (apparently not the main criteria in Singapore), without the eloquence (apparently not the main criteria in Singapore), the winner went on to sign a TCS contract.
The 2001 winner's biggest achievement was to appear in Amazing Race few years back to utter the words "Welcome to Singapore"... and smile.
In fact, she wasn't even a judge for yesterday's pageant. Not that she should be. But it was interesting to see Joanna Peh as one of the judges eventhough she did not win the title in 2002 (thus not every qualified hor) and yet this 2001 winner was spotted in a video segment for the pre-judged rounds where she is one of the judges.
This world is so cruel. With Carol Cheong winning, I can almost see this 2001 winner down the pecking order. And rightly so.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
There's something about ..... shopping
SINGAPORE (Dow Jones)--Singapore department stores are struggling to reinvent themselves as they wrestle with steadily declining sales and a trend toward excluding anchor tenants from new shopping developments.
Robinson & Co. (R02.SG) - the owner of Robinson department stores, John Little and Marks & Spencer stores in Singapore and Malaysia - has said it is refocusing the branding of the three stores, and updating interior layout and design.
"We are facing great risk with more people looking for brand experience, as consumers get more discerning and sophisticated," said Shia Yew Peck, general manager for finance and administration at Robinson.
"It is important for a department store to constantly reinvent itself such that it doesn't look tired," he said.
Once retailing powerhouses, providing consumers with a breadth of choice smaller competitors couldn't match, department stores now struggle to cater to niche demands of a new breed of consumers.
In Singapore, the sales and earnings of major department store owners have been lackluster for years. Robinson has posted steadily decreasing earnings since 2000, with the exception of 2004. In an effort to "build a sustainable business," Robinson said in its annual report that it is positioning its flagship Robinson store as Singapore's premier retailer with a merchandise mix that will appeal to women in their 30s and above.
John Little will be branded as a discount store for the cost-conscious young family, while Marks & Spencer will be positioned in the middle. The group has cut prices at M&S and brought in a wider variety of products from the U.K. chain, including petite sizes in womenswear.
Robinson declined to discuss the impact of these moves on its earnings or sales outlook or specify a time frame for the changes.
"Departmental stores have to position themselves in either the specialty store category or mass-merchandiser category, without losing the one-stop-decent-shopping attribute," Krishnan said.
They should also try to maintain some element of exclusivity by not having more than three stores in Singapore, according to Wee Chow Hou, a professor at Nanyang Business School.
Why am I not surprise at all.
The only reason why Robinson is not doing as well as it should is because of Singaporean's patience of waiting for their "Sales worth waiting for... 5 times a year not including warehouse sales 2 times a year" Seriously, with one sale every other quarter, it doesn't take that long really.
I remember few years ago, Robinson sale is something everyone really look forward to, at least for myself. You get quality stuffs at good prices with good customer service. There is no reason not to go. And such sale probably happens once a year. That too, gives an impression of snobbishness, which some shoppers really like. It's that exclusivity that draws consumers to such stores.
Now, if I have to spend money during non-sales period. I would go to Takashimaya. Because I do not want to buy something only to find out that they will have sales the coming weekend. Taka seems to give me that assurance that it wouldn't happen. Not for Robinson.
Merchandise plays a part too.
In fact, all departmental stores are losing their charm to attract consumers. You see the same old merchandise be it in Metro, Takashimaya, Robinson or Isetan. Does it really matter where I buy the product?
I personally prefer to shop in a Mall with different shops, thus different merchandise, than say in a Departmental Store. You somehow do not see the Departmental store changing the whole merchandising as they usually stick with the same old distributors.
For a shopping mall, it's different. While landlords tend to go for the modus operanti of "who pays more, get it", they sometimes do give exceptions to interesting concepts. Thus you almost could see some new outlets every 3 years when the lease it up. Though the main tenants might be the same, but they constantly tries to get new labels in. Eg includes WingTai who is owns label like G2000, U2 and Fox labels. Or Royal Sporting House who owns label like Mango, Zara. Or FJ Benjamin who owns Guess and soon Banana Republic and Gap.
Such big tenants needed new blood to ensure they could survive the tough retail climate, the hard-to-please consumers and the new-concept-hungry landlords. If they do not constantly bring in new labels, they risk getting boot out of a local mall by the landlord if another retailer manages to clinch a new label.
Thus freshness is ensured. Thus consumers get a new lease of retail therapy they craved. The landlord is happy, the tenant is happy, the consumer is happy.
Except the Departmental Stores.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
there's something about ..... 1st birthday
Happy 1st Birthday. We will always love you.
Your Daddy and Mummy