Hi Everyone, It's me.... the no-name baby.... still.
My stingy father is getting on my nerves sometimes. In order to save money, he decided to be the ConfineMan.
And that means feeding me and burping me and changing my diapers in the middle of the night!!
HIM?!?!??! DO ALL THAT?!?!?! Can you believe it?!?!?!?!!?!
That is the reason why the nights have been extremely traumatic for me. I Lao Jio alot more frequent at night because of him. The moment he comes near the Cot for feeding time, I lao Jio.
Aslo he keep thinking my head is a mini-basketball and he will hold my head like how he will hold his basketball. 5 fingers widely spread out.
And when he tries to burp me...... his whole palm is probably as long as my whole back. Is as if he was trying to force the air from my buttocks up to the throat.
Changing diapers.... OMG!!! Let's not even go there.
Thank god. I should be on breastfeeding soon.... I pray hard my mummy's breast will be juicy enough for my daily feed.
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